The stereotyped image of Chinese people in Portuguese chronicles


  • Marta Costa
  • Bruna Peixoto



Cross-cultural communication, Media, Prejudice, Stereotype


Stereotypes and prejudices, generalizations created by cultures about, above all, other cultures, allow the differentiation and separation between them, sometimes leading to problems of acceptance and adaptation. The media is part of daily life of any member of a society and is now indispensable for the transmission of knowledge within and between communities. Information transmission sometimes relies on the use of stereotypes and prejudices to influence the public to a certain opinion, or simply to help the understanding of an event through what is already known about it. In this context, this article intends to find out if and how the Portuguese media, in particular the journalistic chronicle, transmit and maintain stereotypes and prejudices about China and the Chinese. In this study, the concepts and theories related to the media, stereotypes and prejudices are presented, thus providing a theoretical basis for the analysis of selected texts retrieved from Portuguese magazines. It is supposed that through the use of language authors of chronicles, who are influenced by Chinese stereotypes, may project their opinions in their readers, as we can find throughout the discourse analysis.


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How to Cite

Costa, M., & Peixoto, B. (2021). The stereotyped image of Chinese people in Portuguese chronicles. Diacrítica, 35(1), 229–246.