Alter autrans. An author's many authors


  • Jonatas Guimarães Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Triângulo Mineiro(IFTM), Patrocínio, Brasil



Autran Dourado, Author, Subject, Persona, Self-fashioning


The 20th century witnessed a systematic effacement of subject in the field of theory and philosophy, which led to a vision of literature as a des-subjectified language. In this context, names such as Roland Barthes and Michel Foucault proposed reflections that would shake the notion of author as a socially and historically-determined individual subject, supposedly endowed with creative capacity and founding power. However, analyzing the processes by which writers self-fashion their own image offers the possibility of rethinking this effacement of subject and author in literature, allowing the authorial figure to be seen as a diverse set of masks laden with social significance. This is how, by means of a set of masks in alliance and tension, Autran Dourado undertakes the self-fashioning of his diverse personas. In this way, I will analyze the construction of the authorial figure in the book O meu mestre imaginário, signed by Erasmo Rangel, the author's alter ego, in addition to discussing the various masks by which he presents himself in articles published in newspapers and magazines, as well as in his theoretical essay books.


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How to Cite

Guimarães, J. (2022). Alter autrans. An author’s many authors. Diacrítica, 35(3), 216–231.