Politics and ontology of the Figure in Gilles Deleuze’s thought





Figure, Image, Body without organs, Death, Memory, Democracy


This article explores Deleuze’s notion of Figure as it is presented in Francis Bacon – Logique de la Sensation, Cinéma 1 – L’Image-mouvement and Cinéma 2 – L’Image-temps. We begin with the following hypothesis: The Figure must be understood through a complex inner relationship between two different movements, models. On the one hand, a desire for conformity with a discernible model; on the other hand, deformation, death as a model, multiple, impersonal death, with no necessary relation to an ultimate instant, a definitive position in a temporal framework to be understood in chronological terms, but that which is concerned with a transformative, vital element, implying an iterative possibility, death’s eternal return. We are particularly interested in following the repetition of this structure in the concepts that constitute the Figure’s exoconsistency, that is, the concepts of ‘Image’, ‘Body without organs’, ‘Memory’, ‘perversion’ and ‘democracy’. I conclude by underlining the Figure’s political significance, which obliges us to reposition the question of democracy as a task, a becoming-democratic, beyond any kind of state-form that adequately realises it.


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How to Cite

Nóbrega, D. (2024). Politics and ontology of the Figure in Gilles Deleuze’s thought. Diacrítica, 38(1), 208–225. https://doi.org/10.21814/diacritica.5263