Imparare a leggere e scrivere le parole-obiettivo in arabo. Una proposta d’impiego di nella didattica




Language technologies,, Arabic as a Foreign Language, Vocabulary, Reading and writing, Language learning


The present contribution places itself in the branch field of technologies applied to the Teaching of Arabic as a Foreign Language (TAFL). In specific the field test develops from the bimodality theory, espousing the principles of directionality and cerebral hemisphericity, which have led to a series of expedients in the field of language teaching, e.g. the use of inductive strategies. The contribution focuses on reading and writing skills in TAFL: first the entire word is presented, then it is broken up into single phono-graphemic units, which are finally combined again to build new words. Throughout the study a didactic project is briefly presented. By means of language technologies (namely running vocabulary lists creation on virtual classes), the project stimulates receptive and productive activities development: global reading, analytic reading, and word processing, since the early phases of language learning. Particular attention is drawn to the use of language technologies in the aforementioned project, namely through the use of the website This last offers technological tools in the service of language learning, besides allowing the creation of flashcards, accessible through different electronic devices (i.e. computers, smartphones, and tablets) and facilitating vocabulary retention through transformation exercises, words copying, and playful activities.


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How to Cite

Brichese, A., & Facchin, A. (2019). Imparare a leggere e scrivere le parole-obiettivo in arabo. Una proposta d’impiego di nella didattica. H2D|Digital Humanities Journal, 1(1).


