Using MALL to overcome learner’s perceived barriers to pronunciation training




English pronunciation, Mobile assisted language learning (MALL), Japanese students


This paper describes a qualitative investigation of learner’s perceptions of a mobile assisted language learning (MALL) tool for improving attitudes towards English pronunciation study. Our goal was to reduce the barriers to learning and improve learners’ experience. To do this, MALL was implemented via the development of an e-learning app called SOMONA.  The curriculum design of the SOMONA program was based on Judy Gilbert’s Prosody Pyramid framework. The creative design was done intuitively through a series of brainstorming sessions. Simplicity, animation, bright colors and music were implemented as the key design features. Once the app passed usability testing, 20 learners were randomly selected to use the app and complete the English pronunciation course. Afterwards, they were given a survey to evaluate their attitudes towards the course material and the app as a learning tool.  The objective was to determine if SOMONA was an effective way to overcome barriers to learning English pronunciation. The results showed an overwhelmingly positive response from the users and indicated that the application was indeed useful in overcoming learning barriers. More study needs to be done to determine if the app alone is effective in facilitating quantifiable improvement in English pronunciation.


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How to Cite

Nealy, M. (2019). Using MALL to overcome learner’s perceived barriers to pronunciation training. H2D|Digital Humanities Journal, 1(1).


