O ensino e a aprendizagem terminológica no âmbito do Direito de Família para intérpretes e tradutores em Itália através da plataforma Moodle





Legal language, Portuguese as a foreign language, Family Law, Terminological learning, Legal terminology, Lexicography


Many are the subjects of study that unite the Italian jurist to Portuguese, since comparatively both are expressed in a language historically determined and regulated by rigid juridical norms. However, the close relationship between language and the legal system implies not only the transition from one language to another, but from one normative system to another (de Groot & Hoeks, 1995, p. 18), and the concepts related to the sociocultural reality itself within the various legal systems, may or may not agree. It will be the task of the translator or interpreter to identify them, being able to find the most appropriate and coincident words and expressions, paying attention in evaluating the context in which the term and the expression are inserted. Taking into account the relationship between the two countries that are the object of this study and the typical nature of this study, the most useful sector in this professional prospect is, in fact, the area of ​​family law, succession and adoption. Through the use of learning support software in a virtual environment, and by supporting the Moodle platform used in an e-learning context, online courses can be created, with pages suitable for interactive work, images, sounds, movies and writing for users, communities and learning workgroups in remote locations.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, A. (2019). O ensino e a aprendizagem terminológica no âmbito do Direito de Família para intérpretes e tradutores em Itália através da plataforma Moodle. H2D|Digital Humanities Journal, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.21814/h2d.243


