A pandemic knocks on the door: the Wanny Isolation Online Museum experience





social museology, Wanny Isolation Museum, significant learning


This article brings as a case study the experience of Wanny Isolation Museum, produced by students and by educator Douglas Maris (who is responsible for the Educational Computer Science course at the Primary School Professora Wanny Salgado Rocha, in the city of São Paulo’s municipal educational system) in the midst of the new Coronavirus pandemic context and the enforcement of social isolation in national territory. The inspiration came from the Brazilian Isolation Museum, which has helped to conceive the proposal to unite technology and Human Sciences knowledge, aiming at creating a social museum, with emphasis on individual memories, that has a common place in the school space. The objective is to provide the development of technology-mediated learning in a practical, interactive and fun way, building a museum that seeks to show the life and the challenges of continuing to fight for existence: a space for enjoying our students’ experiences through Art!  Allied to this practice, we have analyzed the theoretical influences of social museology, meaningful learning and the teaching-learning relationship for developing the current project.


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How to Cite

Carneiro, T. ., & Antunes Coelho, D. M. . (2020). A pandemic knocks on the door: the Wanny Isolation Online Museum experience. H2D|Digital Humanities Journal, 2(2). https://doi.org/10.21814/h2d.2804