Discursive practices of teachers in high school on the digital sphere: changes and experiences during the pandemic in Venezuela





discursive practices, digital discursive genres, pedagogical discourse


The world situation has changed due to the experience of a pandemic resulting from the progressive appearance of the disease COVID-19, which was located with the first identification in Wuhan, in the province of Hubei (People's Republic of China) and extended to European countries until it reached the American continent and with strength to Latin America. Venezuela is a country that has not escaped this reality and has been forced to adjust its different social, economic, political, and educational activities. In the educational context, preventive measures have been taken to transfer teachers from face-to-face class context to a virtual one, despite the fact that many students have a reduced number of technological artifacts and some teachers do not feel prepared to act online and, therefore, they had to adjust their pedagogical discourse to new realities. Therefore, there were changes in materials, spaces, technologies, and practices that do not depend on the intentions of the teachers themselves, but of a world situation, guided by ministerial instructions. This article analyzes the changes in discursive practices on teaching mediated on digital spheres by Venezuelan high school teachers in pandemic times.


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How to Cite

Díaz Loyo, C. E. ., & Anecleto, Úrsula . (2020). Discursive practices of teachers in high school on the digital sphere: changes and experiences during the pandemic in Venezuela. H2D|Digital Humanities Journal, 2(2). https://doi.org/10.21814/h2d.2861