A learning scenario about the Portuguese Participation in World War I through History and Citizenship and Development


  • Maria Paula Pereira Escola Secundária Pedro Nunes




history, citizenship and development, digital skills, World War I


This paper presents a cross-sectional teaching activity on Portuguese participation in World War I for 9th grade students. This activity will be developed in classes of History and Citizenship and Development, within an Autonomy and Curricular Flexibity Project. We intend to alter the current school reality, where the number of hours assigned to History compromises the development of some programmatic contents. However, a cross-sectional and integrated approach to class projects allows to fille some gaps. The design of the activity takes into account the importance of developing digital skills, the essential learning of the disciplines involved and the skills foreseen in the Profile of the Student Leaving Compulsory Education and has as main objectives: i) the development of a historical awareness, ii) the development of competencies in the area of critical and argumentative thinking, iii) the exercise of a humanist, active and participatory citizenship in society.  This approach allows a dynamic students participation as active subjects in the (re)construction of knowledge.



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How to Cite

Pereira, M. P. (2022). A learning scenario about the Portuguese Participation in World War I through History and Citizenship and Development. H2D|Digital Humanities Journal, 4. https://doi.org/10.21814/h2d.3531


