The use of digitized books in online classes: Limits and possibilities




children's literature, technology, digitized, e-book, public school, children


History shows that literature has been, over time, appropriating existing technologies to continue, increasingly, accessible to the reader. Literature has a wide variety of children's books in e-book format available on the internet, so we saw the opportunity to use them in the school environment. Even though technologies are reinventing the literature book, the purpose of this book remains the same: to entertain and transmit knowledge. In this article, we will briefly address the evolution of the book in light of existing technologies and how the literature has been renewed to meet the needs of users. Afterwards, we will make a brief survey on the official documents of Brazilian education that deal with children's literature and new digital technologies in schools. Concluding, thus, with an account of the reading project: "Traveling in literature through the web", which was adapted for times of social distance, about digitized children's books with children aged 6 and 7 from a public school in online classes, in an attempt to promote interest in children's literature.


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How to Cite

de Lima, K. D. ., & Ribeiro, G. (2021). The use of digitized books in online classes: Limits and possibilities. H2D|Digital Humanities Journal, 3(2).