Game on: The contribution of digital games to literacies




digital games, literacies, foreign language


With the continuous advancement of technology, more and more smart devices and social media applications are part of different social situations. In this scenario, this article aims to discuss the use of digital games in educational practice. For that, we will make a theoretical resumption of studies on the theme and, based on these ideas, we will analyze the contribution of the game Scribblenauts Unlimited in the teaching-learning process of Foreign Language. The reflection path has as an epistemological anchor the perspective of studies on Literacy (Cope & Kalantzis (2009), the use of digital games in education (Gee, 2007, 2009 and Wastiau, 2009) and the teaching of a Foreign Language (Krashen, 2002 The results of the analysis, of a qualitative-interpretative character, point out that digital games can constitute a support tool in the LE teaching-learning process, as they mobilize situated literacy practices in a virtual environment. game to promote interactions with the machine and with the group of players, which contributes to the expansion of linguistic knowledge, in addition to favoring oral language, reading and writing, to a lesser extent.


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Author Biography

Maria de Lourdes Rossi Remenche, Federal University of Technology – Paraná (Curitiba Campus)




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How to Cite

Vogelmann, T., Rossi Remenche, M. de L., & Silveira, A. P. (2021). Game on: The contribution of digital games to literacies. H2D|Digital Humanities Journal, 3(2).