Public policies for preschool education in Angola: from formulation to implementation, what has changed?
Children's rights, preschool education, public policiesAbstract
This text seeks to reflect on the nature of the formulation of the current public policy for preschool education in Angola. Based on documentary analysis of the main official and legislative documents, we see the involvement of the state in regional and international challenges has increased the development of a set of policy texts directed at children's rights. Thus, the question arises as to whether the public policy for preschool education, fragmented in normative instrumentalization and in national development programmes and plans, mimics and complies with the international Agendas, or if they are functional and indicative of social justice in education that allows for the mitigation of inequalities in access, especially for vulnerable children, in a context where out of 10 children from low-income families, only two children have guaranteed access to attendance.
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