The formation of the literary reader in childhood: Interrelationship between multimodal textualities and interaction resources in book apps


  • Paulo Henrique Machado
  • Maria de Lourdes Rossi Remenche



Multimodality, Multiliteracies, Literary literacy, Interactive digital books


This study aims to present an investigation about the interrelationship of multimodal textualities and interaction resources in book apps that contribute to the education of the literary childhood reader. Therefore,two finalist book apps of the Prêmio Jabuti(Brazilian Book Chamber Prize) in the years 2015 and 2016 in the Digital Infancy category weredelimited as corpusof research, being one of them exclusively created for the digital medium, and the other, remediation of the printed publication. This isa qualitative-interpretative research, whose theoretical-methodological framework is anchored in the dialogical conception of language and in the multiliteracies studies, literary reading and digital children’s books. The analysedevidence that the selected book apps do not differ much from printed books as the presentation of written and image texts, as well as the way in which these languages are interrelated. In digital versions, when verbal texts reach the boundaries of the screen area, they act as they do on the double page of the print, yet they’re configured as windows that project the readers into the narrative through immersive processes. It was found that the multimodal combination in the book apps, coupled with the agentivity of the readers and the affordances of the digital technologies, triggers different modes of reading and demand greater interactivity on the part of the reader.


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How to Cite

Machado, P. H., & Remenche, M. de L. R. (2020). The formation of the literary reader in childhood: Interrelationship between multimodal textualities and interaction resources in book apps. Diacrítica, 34(1), 95–121.

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