The acceptability of topic-comment sentences in bp and in English: a psycholinguistic study


  • Lorrane da Silva Neves Medeiros Ventura UFRJ, Faculdade de Letras, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil



Topic, Português do Brasil, Inglês, Julgamentos de aceitabilidade, Psicolinguística


The aim of this study is to investigate topic-comment and subject-predicate structures in BP, through the experimental psycholinguistics approach, in order to bring empirical support to the hypothesis that BP would be a mixed language, in which both, topic and subject ideas are important. In other words, BP would be a discourse-oriented and sentence-oriented language, unlike English, that is, undoubtedly, a sentence-oriented language (cf. Li & Thompson 1976). Base-generated topic structures (Chinese-style topic) will be investigated, because such structures are prototypical in a topic-prominent language, as Chinese, in which the topic notion is important, and absent in a language in which the subject notion is predominant, as English (cf. Yuan 1995), in addition to the topic structures generated through syntactic movement (topicalization). The acceptability judgment test has demonstrated that the native speakers of BP and the native speakers of English presented a different behavior during the task, which can be an indicative that the languages are not the same, considering its typology. These results suggest that BP should be considered as a language in which both, topic and subject, are important notions (cf. Pontes, 1987, and others).


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How to Cite

da Silva Neves Medeiros Ventura, L. (2022). The acceptability of topic-comment sentences in bp and in English: a psycholinguistic study. Diacrítica, 36(1), 133–162.



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