From grievances to vindications. Translations by Christine de Pizan end Mary Wollstonecraft
Historia de la traducción, Feminismo y traducción, Historiografía feminista de la traducción, Christine de Pizan, Mary WollstonecraftAbstract
Feminist theory has a tradition of centuries. Although, in general, the first wave of feminism is located during the suffrage movement, we must not forget the struggle of some early symbolic mothers to defend their literary and civic rights. In 1405 the French writer Christine de Pizan published a pioneering work in the history of feminism: La Cité des Dames. With it, a memorial of grievances against patriarchy and early feminist vindications began, which were not going to be consolidated until the Enlightenment, with one of its greatest representatives, the English writer Mary Wollstonecraft and her work A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792). La Cité des Dames, by Pizan, and A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, by Wollstonecraft, constitute two (proto)feminist references that challenged the dominant androcentric discourse of the time, vindicating equality between the sexes. From a feminist historiographical approach to translation and in the methodological line of the approaches that advocate studying subaltern histories made invisible by patriarchal discourses, this article aims to recover and contextualize two fundamental and foundational texts of feminisms of all times, as well as study their translations into Catalan, Galician and Spanish.
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