The impact of explicit feedback on the development of oral production in Spanish as a foreign language in distance education
Oral Production, Distance Education, FeedbackAbstract
This study investigates the attention given to the oral production (OP) in a Distance Licentiate Degree in Spanish and analyzes if the performance of OP tasks contributes to the development of such skill, concerning pronunciation, grammatical accuracy and fluency of Spanish as a Foreign Language learners (LE) in distance education (DE), also assessing the impact of two forms of feedback in the development of the oral production of these students in two data collections (a longitudinal one of two semesters and a semi-longitudinal of one). With these objectives, the students' virtual learning environment and the didactic material used were analyzed, questionnaires were applied to the 42 students and the two participating teachers. To evaluate the development of their OP, students were divided into three groups: the experimental group, the experimental group+ and control group. Participants in the control group took a pre and a post-test and received no feedback on their oral productions. The experimental groups performed the pre-test, 3 other OP tasks and a post-test and both received feedback, but the experimental group+ received more explicit and comprehensive feedback as compared to that received by the experimental group. The results show that the OP practices are neglected in the Spanish classes and that there was a statistically significant increase in the pronunciation measure of the experimental groups, at the end of two semesters, which was not observed in relation to the development of the other variables analyzed in the two collections. It is concluded from the results that the oral production of Spanish learners of distance education is most benefited by the completion of oral tasks and by the more succinct feedback received in the long term.
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