Developing phonological awareness skills in English (l2) on Lexia Core5 Reading platform: a process analysis in complex dynamic systems theory




Phonological awareness, Bilingual education, Online teaching platforms, Complex Dynamic Systems Theory


Departing from a Complex Dynamic System account, this paper presents a process analysis of the development of phonological awareness skills in English by a student in the 3rd year at a bilingual (Portuguese-English) school in Brazil. Aiming to foster the development of the learner's phonological skills, this school implemented the online platform Lexia Core5 Reading (Lemire, 2021) in its curriculum. In the longitudinal analysis carried out in this paper, two dynamic methods were used: Peak Analyses with Monte Carlo simulations and Moving Correlations. These two methods showed the learner's progress throughout the activities, besides highlighting those activities that seemed to be more difficult for the student.


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How to Cite

Costa Cruz, M., & Kickhöfel Alves, U. . (2022). Developing phonological awareness skills in English (l2) on Lexia Core5 Reading platform: a process analysis in complex dynamic systems theory. Diacrítica, 36(2), 100–120.