Technology empowers: an investigation of ICALL’s influence on the design of self-regulated learning materials




ICALL, Self-regulated learning materials, PFL


Technology has generated convergence in language teaching, improving classroom teaching and creating new possibilities for autonomous learning. Intelligent Computer-Assisted Language Learning (ICALL) allows to correct errors autonomously and intelligently, based on the Intelligent Tutorial System (ITS) and to develop learning and autonomy strategies. The self-regulated learning materials associated with ICALL have enriched learning methods and have given learners more possibilities to learn outside the classroom, helping them develop autonomous learning. This study aims to analyse the influence of ICALL on the design of Portuguese as Foreign Language (PFL) self-regulated learning materials, investigating how technology allows learners to understand why they study, what they study and how they study. It demonstrates what ICALL does best in identifying and correcting errors, but also concludes that its models and structures still need to be improved compared to printed self-regulated learning materials. The aim is thus to promote the articulation between foreign language learning, the learning of PFL and the dynamics of societies increasingly marked by the use of technologies.


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How to Cite

Yu, X. ., & Gaspar, C. (2022). Technology empowers: an investigation of ICALL’s influence on the design of self-regulated learning materials. Diacrítica, 36(2), 232–248.