1991 to 2019: The rise of machine interpreting research





Machine Interpreting, Translation and Interpreting Technologies, Scientometrics


Conceived as a scientometric study, this paper searches for understanding the research status of machine interpreting on the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) database from 1991 to 2019. Documents were analyzed considering a series of measures such as most prominent academic institutions and countries that investigate machine interpreting, citation, co-authorship, keywords co-occurrence, reference coupling, and textual-based analysis retrieved from the documents’ titles and abstracts. Through VOSviewer software and its tools for data collecting and visualization, machine interpreting research in the analyzed corpus focuses on three main concerns: machine translation, speech synthesis, and Japanese language.


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How to Cite

Dias Esqueda, M., & Freitas, F. de S. (2022). 1991 to 2019: The rise of machine interpreting research. Diacrítica, 36(2), 317–335. https://doi.org/10.21814/diacritica.4822