Infinitive structures introduced by the preposition de. A romanic vision




Transitivity, Preposition de, Infinitive, Syntax, Romanic languages


This text is intended to review the concept of transitivity and, within it, pay attention to the infinitival complement preceded by preposition. In the Romanesque tradition, the transitive verb asks for a complement (called direct) to fill its meaning. That complement, usually, has been presented by traditional grammar as an element attached to the verb without the need for union. During the 19th and 20th centuries that perception has changed, and some languages ​​(such as French, Italian and Portuguese) already classify transitive verbs as direct (without prep.) and indirect (with prep.) and others simply as transitive (Spanish, Catalan, Galician, Romanian), being the indirect, intransitive. However, ancient stages of the language demonstrate that the preposition was common as an element of union. The case of the preposition de preceding the infinitive will be addressed. The issue and the importance of this link will be systematized, now disappeared in many structures, and maintained in others, depending on the languages.


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How to Cite

Diéguez, I. V. . (2022). Infinitive structures introduced by the preposition de. A romanic vision. Diacrítica, 36(2), 336–363.