Ursula Wölfel, published works, translated and retranslated books in Spain
Ursula Wölfel, Children’s and young people’s literature, Translation, Retranslation, ReillustrationAbstract
This paper is a prelude to our doctoral thesis project in which we investigate the reception of the German author of children's and young people's literature Ursula Wölfel (1922-2014) in two ways: diachronically, since 1963, through the media and literary criticism, and synchronically, through a case study with students as the primary addressees. The purpose of this article is to compile Ursula Wölfel's translated, edited and published work in Spain. During this part of the research, we searched the databases of the German and Spanish national libraries, the database of books published in Spain, the collective catalogue of Spanish public libraries, as well as the catalogue of Red Automatizada de Bibliotecas de Castilla y León, always online. We proceeded to compare the available information and unify it. During the process we realised that Ursula Wölfel's books have not only been translated in first edition, but that there are also re-editions, which have been re-illustrated, but keep the original text; and that there are even re-illustrated retranslations. This leads us to reflect briefly on the concept of retranslation and whether it is an opportunity to keep Ursula Wölfel's legacy alive.
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