Literary translation as communication between cultures. Interchange between Czechia and Mexico




Literary translation, Czech literature, Mexico, Translator, Sociology of translation


This article aims to present the historiographical research of translations of Czech literature into Spanish published in Mexico, i.e., the literary translation from a minority language (Czech) into a majority language (Spanish) as part of the communication between two (apparently at first sight) distant cultures. In the first part, theoretical bases and methods used for the historiographical study of literary translations based on bibliographical research and paratextual analysis are explained. The results are presented in two sections, first, in the form of fragments of interviews with the translators of the books that form part of our corpus. This testimonial source is used for the subsequent reflection on the sociology of literary translation production in Mexico. The second part of the results presents a comparative overview, both quantitative and qualitative, of Czech-Mexican and Mexican-Czech translations published up to 2019. The aim is to use the data to observe the literary exchange through translations and to identify the particularities of the production of translations of Czech works in Mexico.


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How to Cite

Lochman Strnadová, K. (2024). Literary translation as communication between cultures. Interchange between Czechia and Mexico . Diacrítica, 37(3), 137–152.