L2 vocabulary instruction: An analysis of smartphone applications for English learning
Vocabulary Instruction, Mobile Learning, Second Language Learning, Smartphone ApplicationsAbstract
Smartphones have become more accessible n the last decade, which has promoted the development of numerous applications for language learning and brought increased interest in the field of Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL). Considering that most smartphone applications for English learning have activities designed to instruct vocabulary, this study aimed to analyze the instruction of vocabulary in the three most used applications for language learning until the end of 2018. More specifically, it investigated: a) what aspects of word-knowledge the applications develop; b) whether they provide a number of encounters with the target vocabulary and whether they are massed or spaced; and c) the nonverbal representations employed by the applications. The results showed that the applications: a) instruct the spoken and written form of words, but often neglect other aspects of word knowledge such as the lexical and syntactic relations between words; b) provide multiple, massed encounters with the target vocabulary and c) employ images and videos as nonverbal that are not always relevant to the instruction of target vocabulary. Based on our analysis we concluded that, in spite of limitations such as the lack of opportunities for language production and decontextualized instruction, these applications can be used as a tool to assist the instruction of vocabulary.
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