Translanguaging practices in deafs’ technology-mediated language education


  • Aryane S. Nogueira



Digital technologies, Language education, Deaf education, Translanguaging


In this paper we present and examine deaf students’teaching situations in a Portuguese second language course. The analyzed records were generated from a qualitative-interpretative research with an ethnographic view. Analyzing the development of a teaching module within a translanguaging lens, we point tothe role of digital technologies as a support for translanguaging practices between students and teachers as agents that producemeaning with different resources to respond effectively to the goalsof the tasks and interactions proposed to them. The theoretical dialogue between studies on technology in language education with the notion of translanguaging in bi/multilingual education settings illuminated aspects of the teaching situations relevant tothe discussion about others ways of teaching deaf students, such as the extension of the communicative repertoires and the development of translingual and transmodal skills in comprehension and expression as a trigger to the development of an extended language education by the deaf students.


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How to Cite

Nogueira, A. S. (2020). Translanguaging practices in deafs’ technology-mediated language education. Diacrítica, 34(1), 291–310.