The use of Orthographic corrector in computerized textual productions: A comparative process analysis


  • Thalia de Oliveira Kasiorowski
  • Paula Ávila Nunes



Orthographic corrector, Computerized text production, Technological education, Text review


In a context of increasing technological presence in education, the object of this research is the use undergraduate students make of the orthographic corrector in text processors. We proposed to students in the first year of study in the courses of Engineering and Languagesat the Federal Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR), in Brazil, to elaborate a text in Microsoft Wordwhile the orthographic corrector was set in non-automatic mode, a process which was recorded in video by using screen recording softwares. As specific indicators in this analysis, we considered whether the students corrected the mistakes pointed out by the corrector by using its suggestions or based on their own knowledge, the number of orthographic or syntactic inadequacies and mechanical errors. We verified an elevated degree of reliance on the corrector, which may be prejudicial especially to the stage of text review. However, there were cases of highly contextualized uses of the resource. In comparison, we concluded that undergraduates in Letters stood out for a greater level of awareness in dealing with the corrector. In this context, this research discusses the imbrication between language and technology (Cupani 2011; Feenberg 2002; Pinto 2005); technolinguistic revolutions (Auroux 1992; Coulmas 2014; Fayol 2014; Haas 1996); and education in a technological environment (Sibilia 2012).


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How to Cite

Kasiorowski, T. de O., & Nunes, P. Ávila. (2020). The use of Orthographic corrector in computerized textual productions: A comparative process analysis. Diacrítica, 34(1), 311–335.