Stress adaptation of Japanese loanwords in Brazilian Portuguese
Phonology, Stress, Brazilian Portuguese, Loanwords, JapaneseAbstract
This paper investigates the adaptation of the stress in Brazilian Portuguese loanwords from Japanese. Through a lexical corpus composed of loanwords, it was observed how stress adaptation occurs on speech data recorded in the neighborhood of Liberdade, in São Paulo, Brazil, with the aim of comparing the production between Brazilian Portuguese speakers of Japanese and non-Japanese descent. From the data analysis, it was concluded that the final stress is productivein Brazilian Portuguese, since it is present in 49% of the speech data of speakers of non-Japanese descent and in 52% of speakers of Japanese descent. In addition, 67% of speech data that do not have a final heavy syllable in Japanese were adapted with a final stress. It was also noticed that there is a propensity to Japanese long vowels being adapted as stressed syllables in Brazilian Portuguese because of its length, while Japanese pitch-accent is not recognized or reproduced in this adaptation process.
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