¡Ay, maricón! Analyzing the translation of linguistic taboos in the subtitling of La Mala Educación into Brazilian Portuguese A comparative study between official subtitles and fansubbing


  • William Henrique Cândido Moura




Audiovisual Translation Studies, Fansubbing, Taboo expressions and words, Pedro Almodóvar, Spanish-Portuguese translation


By the progress of researches in Audiovisual Translation Studies in the past decades, this paper aimed to glimpse if the translation of the letter (Berman, 2013), proposed for the literary translation studies, can be considered as a methodology for subtitling researches. In the translation of the letter, according to Berman (2013), we can find the classical forms of literary translation: translation deforming tendencies and the ethnocentric and hypertextual ones.All these forms are used to analyze a corpus composed by linguistic taboos related to insulting, found in the official subtitles and the fansubbing subtitles, in the Brazilian Portuguese version of the Spanish movie La Mala Educación [Bad Education] by Pedro Almodóvar. We found that from the analysis of the deforming tendencies, used in both types of subtitles, the words and taboo expressions were mostly translated not so softer as their meaning. This fact can be explained by the subtitlers’ performance as an act of a more ethnocentric translation, aiming the actual purpose that the subtitles should give to the audience watching the movie. We conclude that Berman’s theory can be used as a methodology for subtitle’s analysis, as long as some changes are made, considering the intrinsic characteristics of the subtitling.


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How to Cite

Moura, W. H. C. (2020). ¡Ay, maricón! Analyzing the translation of linguistic taboos in the subtitling of La Mala Educación into Brazilian Portuguese A comparative study between official subtitles and fansubbing. Diacrítica, 34(3), 235–253. https://doi.org/10.21814/diacritica.5011