Polemic and argumentation: possible interfaces within political media-texts


  • Mónica Cavalcante Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil
  • Rosalice Pinto Instituto de Filosofia da NOVA (IFILNOVA), Centro de Investigação e Desenvolvimento sobre Direito e Sociedade (CEDIS), Centro de Linguística da UNL (CLUNL) https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7638-654X
  • Mariza Brito Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira (Unilab) | UNILAB · Instituto de Humanidades e Letras




polemic, text linguistics, discourse, argumentation, linguistic categories


This article focuses mainly on a socio-cognitive-discursive perspective for the study of argumentation in texts, in order to reflect on the way in which the polemic (Amossy 2017; Charaudeau 2017) in its argumentative aspect is materialized within political media-texts. To achieve this goal, media-texts that show opinions about the dismissal of the current President of Brazil – Michel Temer – in the Brazilian media were selected. Preliminary studies at test to relevance of Text Linguistics analytical categories in order to analyze the argumentative procedures or argumentative strategies (Amossy, 2017) present in polemical texts. We argue that Text Linguistics, when considering that the interlocutors are social agents, may suppose the existence of two types of argumentation that may even be concomitant in verbal interactions: one based on agreement and the other on dissensus and the polemic may be associated with dissensus.


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How to Cite

Cavalcante, M., Pinto, R., & Brito, M. (2018). Polemic and argumentation: possible interfaces within political media-texts. Diacrítica, 32(1), 5–24. https://doi.org/10.21814/diacritica.5012



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