Legal argumentation and rhetorical strategies: a pluridisciplinar analysis of a judicial decision


  • Rosalice Pinto Instituto de Filosofia da NOVA (IFILNOVA), Centro de Investigação e Desenvolvimento sobre Direito e Sociedade (CEDIS), Centro de Linguística da UNL (CLUNL)
  • Maria das Graças Soares Rodrigues Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
  • Giovanni Damele Instituto de Filosofia da NOVA (IFILNOVA)



legal argumentation, rhetoric, point of view (PDV), ethos, pathos


This article is focused on theoretical perspectives that highlight the influence of social and historical contexts for the analysis of texts (Bronckart 1999; Adam 2017; Charaudeau 2017) and on approaches that emphasize the importance of rhetorical aspects to study legal texts (Pinto 2010; Damele 2011). Its goal is to analyse how argumentation and some rhetorical strategies are depicted in some legal text genres. The linguistic elements and the formal and normative aspects chosen by the professionals will portray, on the one hand, a more ‘rational’ argumentation related to the logos; and, on the other hand, more rhetorical, linked to ethos and pathos. With these strategies, the judge may attain his goal: to persuade the community that the thesis he supports is adequate to ‘solve the case’. In order to prove this hypothesis, we selected a conviction from the Court of First Instance in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Preliminary results indicate that the argumentation present in legal documents may show some rhetorical strategies, and that these vary according to contextual constraints that may influence the textual and the rhetorical construction.


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How to Cite

Pinto, R., Rodrigues, M. das G. S., & Damele, G. (2018). Legal argumentation and rhetorical strategies: a pluridisciplinar analysis of a judicial decision. Diacrítica, 32(1), 94–110.



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