When the lexicon shows the color - discursive-cognitive aspects of semantic change in the construct of Brazilianisms in Luso-Brazilian lexicographic registers


  • Anderson Salvaterra Magalhães Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Brasil)
  • Janderson Lemos de Souza Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Brasil)




Semantic change, Brazilian lexicon, Lusophone lexicography and politics, Dialogism, Cognitive semantics


In this article, the general aim is to demonstrate the appropriateness of articulating principles of Dialogic Discourse Analysis – a field of knowledge which derives from the Brazilian reception to the Bakhtin-Medvedev-Vološinov Circle’s thought (BMV Circle) – with fundaments of Cognitive Linguistics to tackle morphosemantic issues of the Brazilian lexicon which indicate important acts in the Lusophone politics. Two specific aims are pursued: 1) to identify the cognitive-discursive conditions typical of the Brazilian Portuguese which influence its vernacular status; 2) to describe a case of semantic change which illustrates new conceptualizations in the internal lexicon and registers of the external lexicon at the service of a lexico-graphic project which is characterized as a responsible act (Bakhtin). In order to reach those goals, two symbolic units – bandeira and bandeirante – were selected from the first Luso-Brazilian lexicographic works, which date from the 18th and 19th centuries. Those first registers are compared with representative Brazilian and Portuguese lexicographic works of this century in order to identify, describe and analyse the semantic change which produces the sense of ‘Brazilianism’ from Lusitanian frames both in Brazil and in Portugal. The discussion of the data indicates that the Brazilian vernacular dimension is not built from an actually Brazilian perspective, but from a Lusitanian one, considering their conceptualizations of the social relations established in America in the colonial period.


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How to Cite

Magalhães, A. S., & de Souza, J. L. (2020). When the lexicon shows the color - discursive-cognitive aspects of semantic change in the construct of Brazilianisms in Luso-Brazilian lexicographic registers. Diacrítica, 32(3), 61–85. https://doi.org/10.21814/diacritica.5156