Identifying characteristics and difficulties when using gazetteers to annotate Geographical Named Entities


  • Afonso Xavier Canosa Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Espanha)



Geographical Named Entities, NERC, Toponyms, Corpus annotation, Historical corpus


In order to annotate geographical named entities, gazetteers have to face ambiguities and contexts where the geographical value of a given expression is not clear. In this paper, an index of place names is used to examine the main problems encountered in the production of an annotated corpus of Mendes Pinto’s Pilgrimage. The difficulties found serve to classify the types of errors that occur when the place name is solved by simple string match and introduce criteria for the identification of geographical entities, a task that should precede and has a direct impact on the results obtained in an automatic annotation approach.


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How to Cite

Canosa, A. X. (2020). Identifying characteristics and difficulties when using gazetteers to annotate Geographical Named Entities. Diacrítica, 32(3), 87–103.