European-Portuguese version of the C-test
C-test, Assessment, Proficiency, Acquisition of Portuguese, Portuguese as a foreign languageAbstract
Proficiency assessment is crucial when one interprets the results of SLA studies. Inconsistent results among them can occur from a lack of uniformity in the methods of the proficiency assessment. In general, institutional status and estimates based on learners’ linguistic profile are taken into consideration. However, the score of independent tests is rarely utilized. In this article, we developed a European-Portuguese version of the C-test, a simple fill-in-the-blank test used to measure general proficiency of a foreign language. High coefficients of Cronbach Alfa and Omega were found, demonstrating its reliability. Proficiency classification based on the test score showed strong correlation with the assessments made by teachers (r = 0.74), which could imply that the test captures the general proficiency. Moreover, other parameters, namely classroom level and learners’ self-assessment, also correlated strongly with the assessment by teachers (r = 0.79 and 0.77). The use of the test for the future is discussed.
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