
  • CALL FOR PAPERS: H2D, vol. 3, no. 1


    A Digital Ancient Near East: Challenges and Opportunities

    Humanities and science used to be one, it was just knowledge. Aristotle decided to separate the knowledge into techné and epistemos. Within time, humanities and science became a dichotomy, particularly during the Modern Age. Nowadays, science and humanities are again together under the umbrella of the digital humanities. It is a relatively young field, though digital research and its applications have been around since the 1940s with the advent of the modern computer. Access to technology and computing power changed completely since the emergence of the smartphone, which entered our lives only some ten years ago. A new generation of scholars of the humanities harness more than ever the power of modern computing to the study of ancient lives. However, user experience and methodical application in the growing field of digital humanities are two different things. Many scholars try out new technologies with very little results in their work, whereas others methodically build systems and algorithm pipelines that never materialize into its actual application in the field. This growing divide between knowing what one needs and reaching the point of practical application is very seldom treated by the current flurry of digital humanities workshops and conferences.

    This call for papers for a special volume of H2D is devoted to the application of digital tools in projects related to ancient history, material culture, and texts in the Ancient Near East. We invite international scholars of cuneiform studies, digital humanities, Near Eastern archaeology, ancient history, and computer science to give contributions to the following issues in their respective field:

    • The application of newly developed algorithms and technologies.
    • Technology in the service of scholarship–what can technology teach us that we cannot learn without it?
    • Outreach to and influence of the intended users (scholarly community, the general public, others).
    • Deciding the right format for your data and employing it for text and artefact analysis (SQL, JSON, TEI/XML etc.).
    • Copyrights vs. open sources.

    Obviously, the topics and questions raised try to achieve a broad scope, but we would like each participant to address them from the perspective of the disciplines mentioned above, with respect to their impact on Ancient Near Eastern studies in the 21st century.

    In this issue, long articles (up to 6000 words) are accepted as well as short articles (up to 2000 words), which must follow the submission rules, available at: All papers must be submitted through Open Journal Systems submission form, available at:

    In addition to the usual paper section, this issue also welcomes contributions in audiovisual format. After all, many of us already feel more comfortable in front of the cameras. The videos will be published in the "Short talks" section and should follow the formatting guidelines described below.

    Video Submission Guidelines

    • The duration of the videos should be between 5 and 10 minutes.
    • The videos can contain screenshots of visual elements (pictures, diagrams, graphics, etc.). However, videos featuring the author(s) will be valued.

    The videos must be accompanied by a complementary text:

    • title
    • summary (minimum 150 and maximum 200 words)
    • keywords (between 3 and 6)
    • bibliographical references of studies, tools, and other materials mentioned in the video
    • acknowledgments and support (this information should appear at the end of the text).

    The title, abstract and keywords should be presented in the language of submission of the paper and in English. If the submission language is English, these elements should be translated into one of the other working languages of the Journal (Portuguese, Spanish, French or Italian).


    Evaluation Criteria

    • alignment with the topics of the journal
    • clarity and organization of speech
    • audio and video quality (full HD)

    Important notes

    Deadline for paper submission: April 31st, 2021

    Guidelines for article submission:

    Submission form:

    Editors:  António de Freitas / Shai Gordin


    Read more about CALL FOR PAPERS: H2D, vol. 3, no. 1
  • CALL FOR PAPERS: H2D, vol. 2, no. 2


    New teaching practices in times of pandemic: challenges and solutions in the digital environment  

    H2D invites the academic and non-academic community to submit papers for its next thematic issue "New teaching practices in times of pandemic: challenges and solutions in the digital environment". Our purpose is to bring together in this issue different accounts from researchers, teachers and other professionals dedicated to all levels of teaching,  who continue to teach in the current pandemic scenario.

    This issue welcomes long papers (up to 6000 words) as well short papers (up to 2000 words), according to the submission guidelines, available at:

    In addition to the usual paper section, this issue also welcomes contributions in audiovisual format. After all, many of us already feel more comfortable in front of the cameras. The videos will be published in the "Short talks" section and should follow the formatting guidelines described below.

    Video Submission Guidelines

    - The duration of the videos should be between 5 and 10 minutes.

    - They must contain the following information, in this order:

    • brief biographical note (years of service, target audience, institution to which you are affiliated)
    • main challenges faced since the beginning of the pandemic
    • suggested solutions to face the challenges
    • impact on your teaching practice  

    - The videos can contain screenshots of visual elements (pictures, diagrams, graphics, etc.). However, videos featuring the author(s) will be valued.

    The videos must be accompanied by a complementary text:

    • title
    • summary (minimum 150 and maximum 200 words)
    • keywords (between 3 and 6)
    • bibliographical references of studies, tools, and other materials mentioned in the video
    • acknowledgments and support (this information should appear at the end of the text).

    The title, abstract and keywords should be presented in the language of submission of the paper and in English. If the submission language is English, these elements should be translated into one of the other working languages of the Journal (Portuguese, Spanish, French or Italian).


    Evaluation Criteria

    • alignment with the topics of the journal
    • contribution to teaching practice
    • clarity and organization of speech
    • audio and video quality (full HD)

    Important notes


    New deadline for paper submission: 30 September, 2020

    Guidelines for article submission:

    Submission form:


    Editores: Maria do Carmo Lourenço-Gomes, Márcio Leitão, Eloisa Pilati & Sílvia Araújo

    Read more about CALL FOR PAPERS: H2D, vol. 2, no. 2
  • CALL FOR PAPERS: H2D, vol. 2, no. 1


    Digital educational resources

    The audiovisual medium has become an essential element of our life and of our learning, favouring the observation of reality, facilitating comprehension and analysis and providing motivation and attractiveness; it introduces multiple languages and literacies, improves the efficiency of teaching activities, enhances media skills and creativity, stimulates the use of shared resource banks and, beyond that, establishes a system of artistic expression, allowing the introduction of aesthetic and creative evaluation criteria.

    Based on various audiovisual platforms, Transmedia projects arise, investing in education beyond classes and institutions, and Gamification, with the use of techniques, elements and dynamics of games in non-recreational activities to increase motivation, solve problems or improve learning.

    This volume of the Revista de Humanidades Digitais (H2D) of the Centro de Estudos Humanísticos da Universidade do Minho, entitled Recursos educativos digitais (Digital educational resources), addresses the works presented in the first two axes of the 4th International TechLING Congress: Languages, Linguistics and Technology, held at the Universidade da Coruña, and other works that, not having been presented in this congress, reflect different approaches to learning, the role of technologies in languages and the use of gamification, transmedia and audiovisual content, especially those related to teaching.

    We present a non-exhaustive list of relevant topics for publication in this volume:

    • Digital Educational Resources
    • Hybrid Education
    • Flipped Classroom
    • Interactive Learning
    • Data-based Education
    • Podcasts, Transmedia and Storytelling
    • Serious Games for Education
    • Gamification in Education
    • Interactive Learning Based on Simulations and Games
    • Audiovisual Content Applied to Teaching

    Deadline for submission of articles: February 28th 2020

    Shipping rules and format:

    Submission form:

    Mª Luz Castro Pena
    Nereida Rodríguez-Fernández
    Iria Santos López

    Read more about CALL FOR PAPERS: H2D, vol. 2, no. 1