Remote education: space for connections in times of pandemic


  • Janaina Nogueira Região Oceânica Salesian School and Cizínio Soares Pinto State School



good practices, digital tools, innovation


Presenting the main challenges encountered in 2020 during remote education is not a simple task, since we have been still placed in this different context of world society. Thinking about results is premature. We have managed to solve immediate situations, but we have not reached the ideal model, since with the passing of the days we have been just organizing ourselves according to the needs. However, we have started to conduct research that has allowed us to modify teaching practices. In this scenario, we have “forced” ourselves to learn digital tools that had long been part of the students' daily lives, but still in the process of being integrated into class activities. Leaving one’s comfort zone and reformulating classes into innovative and efficient proposals is a challenging process, but we need to connect. Working with digital tools – such as Padlet and Kahoot applications – are positive examples of practices that favor interaction in remote education. Thus, all the work developed has also been due to the support of technical-pedagogical teams of the educational institutions I have been working for, mainly to my teachers of the Professional Master in Arts Program (PROFLETRAS), who have introduced me to several innovative teaching and learning practices.


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Neto, A. T., Thadei, J., Silva-Costa, L. P., Fernandes, M. A., Borges, R. R., & Melo, R. (2013). Multiletramentos em ambientes educacionais. In R. Rojo (Ed.), Escola conectada: Os multiletramentos e as TICs. (pp. 135-158). Parábola.

Rojo, R. (Ed.). (2013). Escola conectada: Os multiletramentos e as TICs. Parábola.

Piva Jr, D. (2013) Sala de aula digital: Uma introdução à cultura digital para educadores. Saraiva.

Ministério da Educação e Cultura. (2015). Base Nacional Comum Curricular.

Ferramentas web

Padlet (

Kahoot (



How to Cite

Nogueira, J. (2020). Remote education: space for connections in times of pandemic. H2D|Digital Humanities Journal, 2(2).