Transposition of face-to-face teaching to the digital: contemporary challenges in time of pandemic




digital teaching, Social Sciences , synchronous classes


The outbreak of the new coronavirus was declared by the World Health Organization on the 30th of January of 2020 as a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern”. The pandemic of the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 affected the functioning of institutions and changed the dynamics of social relations. In light of this context, the present paper seeks to describe in detail the efforts of adaptation and change that took place in a private institution of undergraduate education in Social Sciences from the face-to-face format to the digital environment. The account provided in this paper is based on the experience of a private institution in a large Brazilian capital with fewer than 100 students enrolled, which in practice can be more effective. For this, the paper reflects on the main events that took place during the transformation.


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Author Biographies

Jimmy Medeiros, Social Sciences School (CPDOC FGV)




Martina Spohr, Social Sciences School (CPDOC FGV)



Thaís Blank, Social Sciences School (CPDOC FGV)



Vivian Fonseca, Social Sciences School (CPDOC FGV) / Rio de Janeiro State University




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How to Cite

Medeiros, J. ., Spohr, M. ., Blank, T., & Fonseca, V. . (2020). Transposition of face-to-face teaching to the digital: contemporary challenges in time of pandemic. H2D|Digital Humanities Journal, 2(2).