Learning objects for teaching Portuguese Language: challenges and solutions during the pandemic





learning objects, literacies, multi-literacy


This paper aims to analyze the pedagogical potential of learning objects (LO) for teaching Portuguese in the current world pandemic scenario. To achieve the proposed objective, we verified the collection of six repositories of learning objects (LOR) in the Brazilian context, classified into three macro categories: public repositories maintained by federal ministries at the international and national levels; public repositories maintained by private initiatives and state departments; and repositories maintained by graduate laboratories. In the data analysis, we verified, through filters and individual analysis, that there are a number of 862 learning objects for teaching and learning Portuguese in the LOR (final years of elementary school). However, the diversity of types of objects that help learning during the pandemic period in question is still a challenge, since most of the identified LO are resources already used traditionally, such as videos and audios that offer little interactivity.


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How to Cite

Gomes de Melo Bezerra, J. T., Carvalho Bezerra Cavalcante, M., Martins Leitão, M., & Soares da Silva, P. M. (2020). Learning objects for teaching Portuguese Language: challenges and solutions during the pandemic . H2D|Digital Humanities Journal, 2(2). https://doi.org/10.21814/h2d.2912