Is it possible to “read” a digital literary work on a video game console?: A comparative between digital literary works and video games




digital literature, electronic games, multisemiosis, videogame


The following analysis intends to, by comparing definitions of what is an electronic game and what is a digital literary work, answer if it is possible to read a digital literary work in a videogame console. An analysis of two games, Braid and Return of the Obra Dinn is also present, in a way to clarify if they have any similarities to literary works (digital or not). To achieve the objective, the theoretical assumptions that support the analysis are Katherine Hayles (2009); Jane Macgonigal (2012); Walter Benjamin (1987); Laurent Jenny (1979) among others.


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Author Biographies

Alice Atsuko Matsuda, Federal University of Technology – Paraná (Curitiba Campus)



Thiago Moreira Marques, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Campus Curitiba (UTFPR-Curitiba)




Benjamin, W. (1987). Magia e Técnica, Arte e política. Obras escolhidas I (S. Rouanet, Trad.). Brasiliense.

Hayles, N. K. (2009). Literatura Eletrônica - Novos horizontes para o literário (L. Lhullier, & R. M. Buchweitz, Trads.). Global Editora.

Jenny, L. (1979). Intertextualidades (C. C. Rocha, Trad.). Almedina.

Kirchof, E. R. (2009). O desaparecimento do autor nas tramas da literatura digital: Uma reflexão foucautiana. Signo, 34(56), 47-63,

McGonigal, J. (2012). A realidade em jogo (E. Rieche, Trad.). BestSeller.

Yoo, H.-J. (2007). Text, hypertext, hypermedia: Ästhetische möglichkeiten der digitalin literatur mittels intertextualität, interaktivit¨t und intermedialität. Königshause & Neumann.



How to Cite

Matsuda, A. A., & Marques, T. M. . (2021). Is it possible to “read” a digital literary work on a video game console?: A comparative between digital literary works and video games . H2D|Digital Humanities Journal, 3(2).