From text to data: Debates about distant reading in the humanities


  • Suemi Higuchi Getúlio Vargas Foundation



distant reading, linguistics, corpus, language, semantics


The humanities, especially fields like literature and history, have always assigned to textual records a great part of their reason for being and their way of doing. This paper aims to reflect and broaden the horizon of the relationship between the humanities and the use of available technologies, focusing mainly on methods of distant reading for literary studies, based on corpus linguistics. How has research practice in these areas been impacted by the use of digital tools? What challenges need to be faced and what opportunities open up in this potential innovative scenario? These are some of the issues discussed in the text.


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How to Cite

Higuchi, S. . (2021). From text to data: Debates about distant reading in the humanities. H2D|Digital Humanities Journal, 3(2).