


June 7, 2022 | 2:30 PM | online

A self-portrait as Snow White? Perversion and family intrigue in Paula Rego


Open class with Bruno Marques

Moderation: Eunice Ribeiro


Organization: 2i/CEHUM Group

With the support of: Master in Portuguese Teaching in the 3rd Cycle of Basic Education and Secondary Education /IE



In the pictorial series that Paula Rego dedicates to Snow White (1995) – which takes as its starting point not the literary memory of the traditional tale of the Brothers Grimm, but the visual memory of the famous adaptation to the big screen made by Walt Disney in 1937 – highlights There is something disturbing about an archetype of family intrigue: the subliminal idea that the hidden threat of incest is on the female side, that is, it is the girl who appears with the dimension of a subject assaulted by eminently perverse, emancipated and conscious dilemmas.

According to Roland Barthes, the subject painfully identifies with any person (or character) who occupies the same position in the love structure as he does (1995, 165). Through a process of “identification”, we maintain that Paula Rego (self)portraits herself through the interposition of a character from a children's tale in order to bring to light the dark side of the female psyche: under the sign of the Electra Complex , Mother and daughter end up in an eternal dispute for the love of the father.



Bruno Marques (b. 1975) is an independent curator and hired researcher at the Institute of Art History at NOVA FCSH, where he coordinates the cluster Photography and Film Studies. Invited Assistant Professor at NOVA FSCH (2016-2018), at ISCE (2010-2015) and at ESAD.CR (2014). He is the author of the books Cartas fora do Baralho: os retratos imaginados de Costa Pinheiro (2020) and Mulheres do Século XVIII. Os Retratos (2006). He coordinated the books Sobre Julião Sarment (2012) and Arte & Erotismo(2012). Among several editorial projects, he was recently co-editor of the special issue SEX AND CENSORSHIP IN ART of the Revista de História da Arte (Portugal) and IMAGENS INTERDITAS in the magazine Diálogos (Brazil). Author of several book chapters and scientific articles in international academic journals (Photographies, Philosophy of Photography, RIHA Journal, JSTA, Diálogos, Quintana, MODOS and Estudos Ibero-Americanos) and national (RHA, Aniki, Cultura, Convocarte). His research explores topics such as identity politics and portraiture in contemporary art from a feminist, queer and postcolonial perspective.


May 17, 2022 | 2:00 – 4:00 PM | Room 2.25 - Building 1

Filmed portraits: cinema, literature and subject

Open class with Amândio Reis

Moderation: Eunice Ribeiro


Organization: 2i/CEHUM Group

With the support of: Master in Portuguese Teaching in the 3rd Cycle of Basic Education and Secondary Education /IE



Assuming that the relationship between cinema and literature can surpass and even challenge the concept of adaptation and the mechanisms that are typically associated with it (such as the appropriation of literary genres by cinema), we will try to explore some forms of transmutation and prevalence of the “text” in film. By investigating the limits and potential of biography and portraiture, a reflection is proposed that interrogates these terms and their amplitude in the scope of fiction and documentary. Special attention will be given to the construction of the figure of the writer in Portuguese cinema, and, more specifically, in Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen (1969), by João César Monteiro, and O Dia do Desespero (1992), by Manoel de Oliveira. .



Amândio Reis is a contract researcher at the Center for Comparative Studies, where he coordinates the THELEME-Estudos Interartes e Intermédia research group, and a guest lecturer at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Lisbon. He is founder and editorial coordinator of the journal Compendium: Journal of Comparative Studies / Journal of Comparative Studies. In 2020, he received his PhD at the University of Lisbon, in the FCT International Doctoral Program in Comparative Studies (PhDComp). He has written about the relationship between literature and cinema, and his current research, in the field of literary studies, focuses mainly on the short narrative in the Portuguese-speaking world, from the end of the 19th century to the modernist period and to the present day. He is the author of Short Stories, Knowledge and the Supernatural: Machado de Assis, Henry James and Guy de Maupassant (2022, Palgrave Macmillan).


April 29, 2022 | 2.30 PM | Room 1.15 - Building 1

Salette Tavares: evocation in the centenary

Open class with: Rui Torres (presentation), Eunice Ribeiro (moderation) and Colectivo Sinestéticas (readings)

Organization: 2i/CEHUM Group and Rui Torres

With the support of: Department of Portuguese and Lusophone Studies, Degrees in Portuguese Studies and European Languages ​​and Literature from UM

As part of the celebrations Reencontrar Salette Tavares, Cem Anos Agora: Educar, Brincar, Comunicar, Group 2i of CEHUM invites the academic community to the “Meeting Point 2i – Salette Tavares: evocation in the centenary”, an open class on Portuguese Literature Modern and Contemporary, with the participation of Professor Rui Torres and readings of texts by the author by Coletivo Sinestéticas.

Rui Torres studied communication (bachelor), literature (master's and doctoral) and semiotics (post-doctoral), currently analyzing, in his pedagogical, creative and investigative practice, the way these areas intersect and transform with digital media. Professor at Universidade Fernando Pessoa and an integrated member of ICNOVA, he is one of the directors of the Electronic Literature Organization, being in this context one of the editors of the Electronic Literature Series (Bloomsbury Academic Publishing) and of the Electronic Literature Collection volume 4 (in press, 2022). Researcher of the project “Liminal poetry in the contemporary world” (Univ. Barcelona, ​​Spain, 2020-22) and coordinator of the Digital Archive of Portuguese Experimental Literature (www-po-ex.net), which results from two projects funded by the FCT/UE .

Sinestéticas Collective - created in April 2019 by students of the Master's Degree in Theory of Literature and Lusophone Literatures at the University of Minho, its proposal is to promote experimental artistic production through the most diverse stimuli. Counting on the collaboration of artists from different countries, in almost two years of existence, more than four hundred pieces have been produced, including poetry, prose, digital illustration, videos, cooking recipes, paintings. They are periodically published on the collective's Facebook and Instagram pages (www.instagram.com/sinesteticas). Sinestéticas is also responsible for preparing writing workshops and, together with the Borboleta Azul label, produces the literary magazine AGAGÊ 80.

Other news from the event here: https://po-ex.net/noticias/conferencias-e-apresentacoes/ponto-de-encontro-2i-salette-tavares/


March 21 - 22, 2022

Prof. Ciro Inácio Marcondes (Catholic University of Brasilia)

Ciro Inácio Marcondes is a professor, critic and researcher in the fields of Comics and Cinema. He teaches in the Communication course and in the Professional Master's Degree in Innovation in Communication and Creative Economy at the Catholic University of Brasília. He holds a Doctor in Communication and a Master in Literature from the University of Brasília, with a sandwich doctorate internship in Paris IV-Sorbonne. He is the editor of the website www.raiolaser.net, specializing in comic book reviews. He has already taught several courses on cinema, communication and comics for spaces such as CCBB, Espaço Varanda and Espaço Cult. He has curated festivals and shows such as Festival de Brasília do Cinema Brasileiro, Curta Brasília and Festival Back2Black. Since 2018 he has been editor of the academic journal Esferas. In 2021 he published the book ZIP – Quadrinhos e Cultura Pop (Editora Metrópoles), and began post-doctoral research work as a visiting professor at the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages ​​and Linguistics at the University of Cambridge.

March 21, 2022 | 15:00 | CEHUM meeting room

  • Workshop: Exercise of poetic reason – “Limite”, by Mário Peixoto

Based on the viewing of the film “Limite” (Mário Peixoto, 1931), professor Dr Ciro Inácio Marcondes and doctoral student Maria Eduarda Filomeno Affonso propose a reading of the greatest silent classic of Brazilian cinema from the exercise of poetic reason (Zambrano, 1999). “Limite” is a film linked to the avant-garde language in the early days of Brazilian cinema, and among its influences are films from German expressionism, French impressionism and Russian constructivism. However, none of these references is sufficient to explain the extraordinary artistic quality of the film and the poetic character of its images, which refer to elemental forces (water, nature, wind) and foundational actions (escape, crumbling, disintegration) as a metaphor for human existence. Beyond objective interpretations, however, “Limit” is a sensitive explosion that can be thought and felt according to its qualities as an image, synesthetic force and haptic power. This workshop proposes a radical reading exercise of “Limit” based on the heuristic of “poetic reason” developed by María Zambrano, seeking, more than answers, questions that logocentric reason is not able to answer.

  • March 22, 2022 | 14:00 | Institute of Education

           Seminar: A Silent Poetics

From a correlation between the ideas of image, cinema and silence, poetry is proposed as a frequency of perception or attunement of thinking. Some films from the silent period of cinema (from the pre-synchronization era) will serve as a corollary to reflect on silence as a state of cacophony and discursive splendor, and the poetic frequency as a result of the interaction of this silence with filmic images, whether intentionally poetic or not. Therefore, these ideas will be thought from the theories of cinema, media archeology and phenomenology. In this way, poetry here is read in a sense closer to the Heideggerian, that is, it is not a literary genre, but a modality of thinking. The idea is to think of it as a medium for perception. When we trigger this poetic frequency, all the reading and interpretation of reality converges to different questions and answers about the world. Excerpts from films by Charles Chaplin, Louis Feuillade, Joris Ivens, Henwar Rodakiewicz and others will be shown and commented on.


March 15, 2022 | 2:00 PM | Auditorium of the Institute of Education

Prof. José Manuel Losada (Complutense University of Madrid)

Cultural Mitocriticism: an itinerary in contemporary research

In this conference Prof. José Manuel Losada will address the motivations and difficulties currently encountered by researchers working on the mythological imaginary and the need to establish a methodology and hermeneutics of myth, based on examples from ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary literature.

Organization: Group 2i/CEHUM

With the support of: Doctoral Program in Comparative Modernities and Masters in Education

José Manuel Losada (http://josemanuellosada.com/en/) is Professor of French Literature at the Complutense University of Madrid. He holds a PhD in Comparative Literature from the University of Paris-Sorbonne. He was a Visiting Scholar at Harvard University, a member of the SCR at the University of Oxford (St John’s College), Visiting Lecturer at the University of Montreal, and Senior Fellow IAS COFUND at the University of Durham (University College). He has taught at the Universities of Navarre, Hebrew of Jerusalem, International of La Rioja, Montpellier, Münster, Munich, Valencia and Guadalajara-Mexico, and has given seminars and conferences at over fifty European and American universities. He is founder and editor of the prestigious Amaltea, Journal of Myth Criticism (http://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/AMAL/index), co-organizer of the International Congress of Myth Criticism, President of Asteria, International Association of Myth Criticism (https ://asteriamyth.com/), Director of the “Literary Studies” collection (Ediciones Complutense), and coordinates several research projects in literature and myth-criticism (https://acisgalatea.com). Among his publications are books on theory and literary criticism, in particular essays on myth criticism:  L'Honneur au théâtre (Paris, Klincksieck, 1994), Tristán y su ángel (Kassel, Germany, Reichenberger, 1995), De Baudelaire a Lorca (Kassel, Germany, Reichenberger, 1996, 3 vols.), Bibliography of the Myth of Don Juan in Literary History (NY, USA, Edwin Mellen Press, 1997), Bibliographie critique de la littérature espagnole en France au XVIIe siècle (Geneva, Droz, 1999), Métamorphoses du roman français ( Leuven, Peters, 2009), Mito y mundo contemporáneo (Bari, Levante Editori, 2010, Giovi International Award, Città di Salerno, 2011), Tiempo: texto e imagen (Madrid, Ediciones Universidad Complutense, 2011), Myth and Subversion in the Contemporary Novel (edited with Marta Guirao, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012), Myth and interdisciplinarity (edited with Antonella Lipscomb, Bari, Levante Editori, 2013), Abordajes: Mitos y reflexiones sobre el mar (Madrid, Instituto Español de Oceanografía, 2014), Victor Hugo et l' Espagne (Paris, Honoré Champion, 2014), Nuevas forma del mito (Berlin, Logos Verlag, 2015), Myths in Crisis: The Crisis of Myth (with Antonella Lipscomb, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015), Mitos de hoy, Ensayos de Mitocritica Cultural (Berlin, Logos Verlag, 2016), Cinco siglos de Teresa: La proyección de la vida y los escritos de Santa Teresa de Jesús  (with Esther Borrego, Madrid, Fundación Mª Cristina Masaveu Peterson, 2016), Myth and Emotions (with Antonella Lipscomb, Newc astle upon Tyne, UK, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017), Myth and Audiovisual Creation (with Antonella Lipscomb, Berlin, Logos Verlag, 2019), and various translations: La Leyenda de los siglos, by Victor Hugo (Madrid, Ediciones Cátedra, 1994 ), Le Romancero (Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 2003). He has authored more than 200 articles in specialized scientific journals in twenty countries.