
The writer and the cultural (de)legitimisation of television in Spain or representation-narration versus representation-attraction


  • Luis Miguel Fernández University of Santiago de Compostela



Television; literature; Spanish authors.


Throughout the history of optical and audiovisual devices we find representation-narration and representation-attraction, with television being an example of the latter, although it includes fictions and other productions more typical of the former. The confusion between what belongs to one and the other has led most Spanish writers to delegitimize this medium culturally from the time of Franco to the present and, on the contrary, to legitimize the fictions of foreign production, because they seem to be closer to narrative and quality cinema, installing themselves in a literary-centric and cinecentric perspective that clashes with the cultural heterocentrism of our time.


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How to Cite

Fernández, L. M. (2020). Mediopathies: The writer and the cultural (de)legitimisation of television in Spain or representation-narration versus representation-attraction. Journal 2i: Identity and Intermediality Studies, 2(1).