
Working hypotheses and case studies


  • Carlos Reis Universidade de Coimbra



narrative studies; phenomenology of visuality; intermediality; representation; transnarrativity.


Intermediality is based on the principle of dialogue between disciplinary fields, is linked to the cult of interdisciplinarity and the so-called conceptual integration theory (‘conceptual blending’; cf. Schneider & Hartner, 2012). In the framework of these interactional movements, the following aspects entailed by intermediality are highlighted: a dynamic and trans-semiotic conception of the narrative and the media discourses; the tendency to cross boundaries between languages; the refusal of a hierarchy that establishes priorities between cultural practices (such as literature is superior to cinema and cinema to television). The narrative with intermedial propensity develops a dynamic and transnarrative vocation that requests, on the receptive plane, a correlative dynamism of reading and analysis, with the resulting exegetical deepening.


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How to Cite

Reis, C. (2019). Intermediality: Working hypotheses and case studies. Journal 2i: Identity and Intermediality Studies, 1(Especial), 31–41.