Artificial intelligence and poetry

A theoretical reflexion on poetry bots


  • Pedro Dalte Universidade do Minho



Artificial intelligence; Poetry; Poetry bots; Literary Theory; Robotic Literature.


Nowadays, there’s a search for an algorithm capable of creating robotic literary texts that rival human literary texts. This intentionality and the current production within literary panorama require a reflection that, on one hand, must focus on computers’ valences and, on the other, must revisit topics related to literary theory: the very frontiers of Literature and what configures and dictates a text as literary. This is the exercise proposed in this article.


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2021-05-04 — Updated on 2020-12-03


How to Cite

Dalte, P. (2020). Artificial intelligence and poetry: A theoretical reflexion on poetry bots. Journal 2i: Identity and Intermediality Studies, 2(2), 165–177. (Original work published May 4, 2021)