Trauma in "Watchmen"

From the graphic novel to the TV series


  • André Filipe Amaral Francisco Faculty of Arts of the University of Lisbon



Watchmen; trauma; masks; graphic novel; TV series.


In 1987, Watchmen changed the comics world through the complexity of its super-heroes and their humane portrayal. Trauma is an essential element to the story, since it affects the heroes of this narrative as much as it does the general population. The TV series Watchmen (2019) draws inspiration from the type of character and atmosphere depicted in 1987, following the legacy of the graphic novel. This brief analysis focuses on how collective and individual trauma are represented in the book and on their follow-up in the TV series, as new traumas surface, also related to the initial narrative.


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How to Cite

Francisco, A. F. A. (2020). Trauma in "Watchmen": From the graphic novel to the TV series. Journal 2i: Identity and Intermediality Studies, 2(1), 49–62.