Machado de Assis in a miniseries

Audiovisual language and elements of the narrative in Luiz Fernando Carvalho’s Capitu


  • Gabriela Kvacek Betella UNESP



Literature and television, Machado de Assis, Dom Casmurro, Luiz Fernando Carvalho


Some esthetical particularities of the novel Dom Casmurro and the miniseries Capitu reveal the capacity of the literary and audiovisual discourse to represent some singularities of the Brazilian social life from the past, as well as pointing to existential problems of the class representative that leads the plot, instigating reflections in the present. The treatment offered to the class struggle by the Machado de Assis’ narrative and by the transcriation, just as the way in which the existential drama is expounded, disclose a kind of reception among readers/viewers which is capable of reviewing the historical past in times that ask for such a revision, even though the television series bets on the non-conventional of the well-treated images and non-linear narrative. Machado presented the tension between representation and truth (as well as between emotion production and reflection) with the transfiguration of the tragic pathos and the mobilization of the patriarchal figure to the melodramatic bias. Although increased by the irony by the scenic elements, in the audiovisual version such Machadian solutions would be apt to lose their strength to unmask the social subjects; the intensification of the melodrama can make evident what Machado disguised with less obvious narrative intentions.


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How to Cite

Betella, G. K. (2020). Machado de Assis in a miniseries: Audiovisual language and elements of the narrative in Luiz Fernando Carvalho’s Capitu. Journal 2i: Identity and Intermediality Studies, 2(1), 63–76.