What the characters read

Literary allusions in the small screen


  • Patricia A. Janeiro




television, serialized fiction, literature, literary allusions, book allusions, intermediality


Literature is present in TV fiction through adaptations, but literary works are also featured directly onscreen, sometimes serving as a homage showrunners pay to their literary sources, sometimes to set the mood of a particular episode or a season arc, sometimes for a didactic purpose.

This article intends to examine in depth the symbiotic relation between both media, using the analysis of some examples to do so, and thus prove that intermediality not only contributes to elevate the TV series but it also provides the literary works the series refers to with new life.


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How to Cite

Janeiro, P. A. (2020). What the characters read: Literary allusions in the small screen. Journal 2i: Identity and Intermediality Studies, 2(1), 141–151. https://doi.org/10.21814/2i.2514