From nineteenth-century realism to transmediality


  • Raquel Gutiérrez Sebastián Universidad de Cantabria



Pereda-Blasones y talegas-transmediality


This work deals with a synchronous study of a case of transmediality whose basic text is a short novel by the Spanish realist writer José María de Pereda, Blasones y talegas (1871). In 1971 Spanish public television commissioned a screenwriter, Carlos Vélez, and a filmmaker, Josefina Molina, to create an audiovisual product that, with the appearance of a televised dramatization, reworked Pereda's text, turning it into a television program to be consumed. by the spectators of the last third of the twentieth century. The research points out the points of convergence and difference between Pereda's work, the dramatized script and the television version


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Sebastián, R. (2020). From nineteenth-century realism to transmediality. Journal 2i: Identity and Intermediality Studies, 2(1), 153–161.