“Clandestine refugees”, men or animals?

For an ethics reconciling the “animal cause” and the “migration crisis”.


  • Agustín Flores Maya Université Nice Côté d'Azur




Ethics, animal, refugees, biopolitics


In the mains European countries, the activists of the "animal cause" are re-examining the legal, political and philosophical terminology relating to animals. They criticize specially the anthropocentric nature of certain notions justifying and extending the exclusion of animals from the sphere of moral consideration. While there is a demand for animal rights, in these same countries, the lack of social recognition and legal protection condemns migrants to nomadism and to clandestinity. This work aims to illustrate how the lack of fundamental rights among "illegal refugees" demeans humans to the animal state. A demeaning showing that the vulnerability of human and animal lives is beyond species. An essential element to build a new ethics considering as equal the men and the animals, a humanimalistic ethics.


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2021-05-04 — Updated on 2020-12-03


How to Cite

Flores Maya, A. (2020). “Clandestine refugees”, men or animals? For an ethics reconciling the “animal cause” and the “migration crisis” . Journal 2i: Identity and Intermediality Studies, 2(2), 207–219. https://doi.org/10.21814/2i.2661 (Original work published May 4, 2021)