Biohacking love

Fringe science as artistic-scientific-affective heterotopia


  • Luiza Quental UFRJ



medicalization, heterotopia, relationship between art and science, fringe biotechnology, new subjectivities


This essay means to discuss how the trajectory of medicalisation in the occident, the cultural turn against medical expertise, the emergence of new scientific subjectivities, and the development of fringe scientific and technological practices help to contextualize new relations between science, technology, art, and the wider world through the concept of heterotopia. Using as a case study an artist’s scientific-artistic-affective experiment to fall out of love with her ex, we explore how fringe scientific practices, beyond being privileged sites to illuminate the activities of institutional science and observe new relations and correlations that these gain in association to the larger environment, also enable the reorganization of values and places of power, and can compose diverse cultural projects.


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2021-05-04 — Updated on 2020-12-03


How to Cite

Quental, L. (2020). Biohacking love: Fringe science as artistic-scientific-affective heterotopia. Journal 2i: Identity and Intermediality Studies, 2(2), 97–109. (Original work published May 4, 2021)