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Bodies of fear in José Saramago's "Refluxo"


  • Lígia Maria Bernardino Instituto de Literatura Comparada Margarida Losa



death, power, bodies, fear, zoe, technique


An undetermined kingdom and an undetermined king who dreads death are the starting point of José Saramago’s short story “Refluxo”. From such an awareness of finitude, it is possible to intersect power and human boundaries. The confrontation between what is human and what is not human is shown by law imposition (Derrida), as well as by technicity (Stiegler) and the insight that the human being is a species among others in the universal becoming (Braidotti). As such, not only the authoritarian power is put into question, but also the effective human autonomy to overcome such a regime.


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How to Cite

Bernardino, L. M. (2021). Bodies of fear in José Saramago’s "Refluxo". Journal 2i: Identity and Intermediality Studies, 2(2), 83–95.