Alexandre O'Neill's rare windows


  • Joana Matos Frias Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa



Alenxandre O´ Neill, Irene Buarque, poetry, photography, architecture, window, late style


Frames, comics and unframes, photographs of windows, blinds & etc.: in 1981, Alexandre O’Neill’s book As Horas já de Números Vestidas brings together a sequence of compositions that seem to want to respond to his previous verses “Where does a poem begin? / (…) // In the square space of the sheet of paper? / (…) // Or in the round space in which you move?”. In this set, the series written “for photographs by Irene Buarque” fulfills a very clear directing function which requires a proper enlightenment.


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How to Cite

Frias, J. M. (2021). Alexandre O’Neill’s rare windows. Journal 2i: Identity and Intermediality Studies, 3(4), 77–90.